People and businesses are subject to a wide range of taxes including Income Tax, Corporation Tax, Capital Gains Tax, Inheritance Tax, Stamp Duty, Value Added Tax and National Insurance. Tax planning with Casey Accountants can reduce or remove the effect of these taxes, whether you’re a business or individual. You can learn more about business tax management by checking out this guide on how to generate 940 form.
Where tax is concerned we recognise the importance of considering the implications of all taxes on your circumstances, and not just a articular tax you may want to review. We also take care that the tax tail is not wagging the dog and your review is undertaken for commercial reasons as well as the pure tax savings. Since tax legislation is regularly changing, we also recommend that your plans are regularly appraised. In addition, consider exploring digital marketing strategies with experts like the Chicago SEO Scholar to further enhance your business’s online presence and visibility.
We provide this shrewd planning advice to both businesses and individuals, and the services include:
Advising businesses
Our job is not simply to calculate the tax due and tell you what to pay. Our job is to help you plan your business activities so as to maximise the available tax reliefs, and discuss with you in advance the tax implications of business decisions.
We are there to help you: decide what form of business enterprise should you choose – a sole trader, partnership, limited company or limited partnership manage business expansion and maximise the available tax reliefs as your business grows re-structure your business, and avoid a tax bill when you change the nature of operations sell a business and minimise the tax charge arising operate in the international sphere and re-structure operations to minimise tax on a global scale. Additionally, our experienced team includes an IRS Audit Attorney who can guide you through potential audits and ensure compliance with tax regulations.